Thursday, November 3, 2011


Over the next couple of months we will be presenting a series of articles that will help you achieve the highest price for your property in any market. I hope you find them useful and informative.

If you are like most sellers, the thought of selling your property can be daunting.
When it comes to getting the highest price for your property, these are the two things that, more than any others, will optimise your chances of success.

But before we get into those areas, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?

Why Are You Selling?

Now, before you go thinking that this is none of my business, I put it to you that this is a critical question that you should answer before you begin the selling process, and certainly before you go talking to a real estate agent.

You see, this sale is all about YOU.

Will your life improve as a result of the sale of your property?

You should be able to discern a clear and positive reason why you will benefit from this sale.

For example, you might be selling to:

-          Upgrade to a larger home to accommodate a growing family
-          Reduce financial pressure
-          Downsize to a smaller and more manageable home
-          Move to a retirement village

In all these cases your life should improve once you make the move.

Human beings are goal-oriented creatures. We all need something upon which to set our sights.

If there is a benefit to you in the long run, the selling process will be much easier for you.

You should never put your property on the market with the thought, “If I get my price, I’ll sell”, or something similar.

Without a clear goal you are wasting your time, emotional energy, and money.

Now let’s talk about presentation ...

Adding Extra Sparkles

Giving your property that extra appeal.

You rarely need to spend thousands of dollars to make your home attractive.

Buyers are attracted by the appearance of your property and when they inspect it, they are influenced by its atmosphere.  The right appearance outside, followed by the right mood inside, gives you the best chance of getting the highest price.

You rarely need to spend thousands of dollars in renovations or repairs to make your property attractive.  All you have to do is pay attention to some obvious points, all of which can me a big difference to your price.

Falling In Love

Buying a home is emotional.  The feeling of a home is more important than the price.  If you agent has ‘qualified’ the buyers, they will not be ‘lookers’; they will be genuine people who can afford your asking price.

Their feelings will be the main reason they accept or reject your property.  The work ‘love’ is common with home-buying – and even with land, when buyers report loving the location.  Buyers say, “We loved that home and that’s why we bought it.”  So make sure you present your property at its finest.  Remove or fix anything that might be a ‘turn-off’ for buyers.

First Impressions

We are attracted to homes the same way we are attracted to people.

The first thing we notice is the outside. If the property is clean and neat and welcoming, we are interested.  If it is scruffy or dirty, we are turned off.

Buyers often say they “just want to look from the outside.”  They want to see if they are attracted by the appearance.

For this reason you need to be careful how your agent markets the property.  Advertising an address, and opening for inspection a property that might not be attractive from the outside, can lose many buyers.

To make your home look its best, attention to detail is crucial.  When you live in a property, you can overlook its little faults.  It is now time to have a fresh look.

Stand in the street and look at your property as if you were seeing it for the first time.  Try hard to pick faults.  It is better that you find the faults while there is time to fix them, than the buyers finding faults.

Try to judge your property by the standards of the buyers, not by your standards – try to see it through strangers’ eyes.

The challenge is to make your property as attractive as possible without spending too much.